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Men in Black II (Full Screen Special Edition) Starring Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Rip Torn and Lara Flynn Boyle (2002) [PG-13]
List Price: $14.99
Your Price: $4.49
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More remake than sequel, Men in Black II safely repeats everything that made Men in Black the blockbuster hit of 1997. That's fine if you loved the original's fresh humor, weird aliens, and loopy ingenuity, but as sequels go, it's pure déjà vu. Makeup wizard Rick Baker is the only MIB alumnus who's trying anything new, while director Barry Sonnenfeld and costars Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones (as alien-fighting agents Jay and Kay, respectively) are on autopilot with an uninspired screenplay. The quest of a multitentacled alien--on Earth in the form of Lara Flynn Boyle--for the light of Zartha requires Jay to deneuralize Kay, whose restored memory contains the key to saving the planet. The tissue-thin premise allows all varieties of special effects--mostly familiar, with some oddly hilarious new stuff tossed in for good measure. Certainly enjoyable as a popcorn distraction, but the MIB magic has worn a bit thin.
Condition:NEW. Brand New Factory Sealed
Scene Index
Side #1 -- Movie
1. Start
2. A Bug in the Electrical System
3. Scrad and Charlie
4. Another Partner Neuralyzed
5. Ben
6. MIB Agent F
7. Laura the Witness
8. Kylothian Class C
9. Postmaster Kevin Brown
10. "Welcome Back, Agent Kay!"
11. Headquarters Breached
12. Flushed
13. Jeebs
14. Deneuralyzed
15. "Bend Him!"
16. Key to the Clues
17. Worm Guys
18. The Townsfolk of Locker C-18
19. Tapeworm Video
20. Mysteries in History #27
21. A Room Full of Shiny Weapons
22. Invading Headquarters
23. Jarra
24. "Your Flights Been Canceled"
25. Modified to Hyperspeed
26. Jeff Puts the Bite on Serleena
27. The Light of Zartha
28. Serleena's Final Departure
Side #1 -- Movie
Play Movie
Alien Broadcast
Frank's Favorites
Men in Black 2 Trailer
Men in Black 2 Teaser
Men in Black Deluxe Edition
The Mask of Zorro
The Chubb Chubbs
MIIB: Crossfire Game
Subtitles Off
Director's Commentary
Barry Sonnenfeld With Telestrator Diagrams: On
Barry Sonnenfeld With Telestrator Diagrams: Off
Audio Only: On
Audio Only: Off
Side #2-- Special Features
Special Delivery: MIIB Orb
Design in Motion: The Look of MIB 2
Rick Baker: Alien Maker
Frank the Pug
Squish, Splat, Sploosh: The Stellar Sounds of MIB 2
Cosmic Symphonies: Elfman in Space
Alien Esoterica
Play All
Blooper Reel
Serleena Animatic Sequence
Multi-Angle Scene Deconstructions
Opening Sequence: Alternate Version
Jay and Jeff
Car Chase
Jarra Fight Scene, Pt. 1
Jarra Fight Scene, Pt. 2
Alternate Ending
Creature Featurettes
Bonus! Barry Sonnenfeld's Intergalactic Guide to Comedy
Creature Featurettes: Scrad/Charlie
Creature Featurettes: The Worms
Creature Featurettes: Serleena
Creature Featurettes: Alien Esoterica
Creature Featurettes: Jeebs
Creature Featurettes: Jarra
Creature Featurettes: Jeff the Worm
Creature Featurettes: Play All
Theatrical One-Sheets
Music Video
Barry Sonnenfeld
Walter F. Parkes
Laurie MacDonald
Robert Gordon
Barry Fanaro
Tommy Lee Jones
Will Smith
Lara Flynn Boyle
Johnny Knoxville
Rosario Dawson
Rip Torn
Tony Shalhoub
List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $4.99
You Save: $9.95 (67 %)
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