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The Sleeping - Questions and Answers [Explicit Lyrics] ( audio cd )

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List Price: $13.98
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But what keeps the Sleeping at the plate is its ability to take bits and pieces of everything from screamo to prog to post-rock to hardcore and turn them into a coherent and even compelling pop music whole. The hooks are what make it easy to forgive the waltz-time interlude on "Loud & Clear," and on "Heart Beatz," the stop-and-go rhythms actually work with the song rather than against it, building up a nice tension against the pretty, atmospheric guitar parts. Best of all is "The Climb," a song that puts serious complexity to work in support of its tunefulness; almost as good are a glorified football chant titled "King of Hearts," and a chunky midtempo shouter called "Dearest Mistake."

1 Don't Hold Back
2 Loud & Clear
3 Heart Beatz
4 The Climb
5 The Big Breakdown: Day 3 (The Escape)
6 King of Hearts
7 3 Cigarettes
8 Who Stays Behind?
9 Listen Close
10 Dearest Mistake,
11 Better Than Anything Else
12 Still

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