The Alabama-reared siblings, Laura and Lydia Rogers, whose new album is steeped in the familial camaraderie and mesmerizing harmonies braced by their Mussel Shoals roots, recorded their inaugural musical effort at Nashville's renowned Blackbird Studio. Produced by revered country knob-turner Dave Cobb, and executive-produced by Burnett, The Secret Sisters' sound captured on their debut has been described as close to `pure' as it gets, and I've been doing this for forty years.
The multiple-Grammy winner's enthusiasm for The Secret Sisters attests to their burgeoning stature as one of the year's rare musical finds
Condition: NEW.Punched upc.
1 Tennessee Me 2:23
2 Why Baby Why 2:28
3 The One I Love is Gone 3:25
4 My Heart Skips a Beat 2:23
5 Something Stupid 2:38
6 I've Got a Feeling 2:24
7 Do You Love an Apple 2:41
8 All About You 2:56
9 Waste the Day 2:35
10 Why Don't You Love Me 2:19
11 House of Gold 2:53