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The Beach Boys - The Smile Sessions Box Set (Audio CD - Nov 1, 2011) - Box set
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The long awaited release of the Brian Wilson and Beach Boys masterpiece, Smile Sessions. With the full participation of original Beach Boys Al Jardine, Mike Love, and Brian Wilson, Capitol/EMI has, for the first time, collected and compiled the band's legendary 1966-'67 sessions for the never-completed SMiLE album. Rolling Stone magazine recently called SMiLE "the most famous unfinished album in rock & roll history." In several sessions between the summer of 1966 and early 1967, The Beach Boys recorded a bounty of songs and drafts for an album, SMiLE, that was intended to follow the band's 1966 album, Pet Sounds. The master tapes were ultimately shelved, and The Beach Boys' SMiLE has never been released. Drawn from the original masters, SMiLE Sessions presents an in-depth overview of The Beach Boys' recording sessions for the enigmatic album, which has achieved legendary, mythical status for music fans around the world.SMiLE Sessions' physical and digital configurations include an assembled collection of core session tracks, while the box set delves much deeper into the sessions, adding early song drafts, alternate takes, instrumental and vocals-only mixes, and studio chatter. SMiLE Sessions invites the listener into the studio to experience the album's creation, with producer, singer and bassist Brian Wilson's vision leading the way as he guides his fellow Beach Boys, singer Mike Love, drummer Dennis Wilson, lead guitarist Carl Wilson, rhythm guitarist Al Jardine, and newest member Bruce Johnston (who'd replaced Brian Wilson in the touring group during 1965), through the legendary sessions.Artwork for all of the SMiLE Sessions' physical and digital configurations has been created with and inspired by Beat-Pop artist Frank Holmes' original 1967 LP sleeve art and booklet designs intended for the SMiLE album. With its three-dimensional shadowbox lid, The SMiLE Sessions box set offers a whimsical peek inside the storied SMiLE Shop.'
Condition:NEW. Brand New Factory Sealed
Disc 1
1 Our Prayer
2 Gee
3 Heroes and Villains
4 Do You Like Worms (Roll Plymouth Rock)
5 I'm In Great Shape
6 Barnyard
7 My Only Sunshine (The Old Master Painter/You Are My Sunshine)
8 Cabin Essence
9 Wonderful
10 Look (Song for Children)
11 Child is Father of the Man
12 Surf's Up
13 I Wanna Be Around / Workshop
14 Vega-Tables
15 Holidays
16 Wind Chimes
17 Elements: Fire, The (Mrs. O'Leary's Cow)
18 Love to Say Dada
19 Good Vibrations
20 You're Welcome
21 Heroes and Villains [Stereo Mix] - (remix)
22 Heroes and Villains Sections [Stereo Mix] - (remix)
23 Vega-Tables [Demo]
24 He Gives Speeches
25 Smile Backing Vocals Montage
26 Surf's Up 1967 [Solo Version]
27 Psycodelic Sounds: Brian Falls Into a Piano
28 Capitol Smile Promo (Hidden Track)
1 Our Prayer (Dialog)
2 Our Prayer (10/4/66)
3 Heroes and Villains: Verse [Master Take] [Heroes and Villains Session: 10/20/66] - (take)
4 Heroes and Villains: Barnyard [Master Take] [Heroes and Villains Session: 10/20/66] - (take)
5 Heroes and Villains: I'm In Great Shape 10/27/66
6 Heroes and Villains Intro [Early Version] Circa 12/66
7 Heroes and Villains: Do a Lot [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/3/67] - (take)
8 Heroes and Villains: Bag of Tricks [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/3/67] - (take)
9 Heroes and Villains: Mission Pak [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/3/67] - (take)
10 Heroes and Villains: Bridge To Indians [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/3/67] - (take)
11 Heroes and Villains: Part 1 Tag [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/3/67] - (take)
12 Heroes and Villains: Pickup To 3rd Verse [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/3/67] - (take)
13 Heroes and Villains: Children Were Raised [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/27/67] - (take)
14 Heroes and Villains: Part 2 (Cantina Track) [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/27/67] - (take)
15 Heroes and Villains: Whistling Bridge [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/27/67] - (take)
16 Heroes and Villains: Cantina [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/27/67] - (take)
17 Heroes and Villains: All Day [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/27/67] - (take)
18 Heroes and Villains: Verse Edit Experiment [Heroes and Villains Session: 1/27/67] - (take)
19 Heroes and Villains: Prelude To Fade [Heroes and Villains Session: 2/15/67] - (take)
20 Heroes and Villains: Piano Theme [Heroes and Villains Session: 2/15/67] - (take)
21 Heroes and Villains: Part 2 [Heroes and Villains Session: 2/20/67] - (take)
22 Heroes and Villains: Part 2 (Gee) [Master Take] [Heroes and Villains Session: 2/20/67] - (take)
23 Heroes and Villains: Part 2 Revised [Heroes and Villains Session: 2/20/67] - (take)
24 Heroes and Villains: Part 2 Revised [Master Take] [Heroes and Villains Session: 2/20/67] - (take)
25 Heroes and Villains: Part 3 (Animals) [Master Take] [Heroes and Villains Session: 2/20/67] - (take)
26 Heroes and Villains: Part 4 [Heroes and Villains Session: 2/20/67] - (take)
27 Heroes and Villains: Part Two [Master Take] 2/27/67 [Heroes and Villains Session: 2/27/67] - (take)
28 Heroes and Villains: Fade 2/28/67 [Heroes and Villains Session: 2/27/67] - (take)
29 Heroes and Villains: Verse Remake [Heroes and Villains Session: 3/1/67] - (take)
30 Heroes and Villains: Organ Waltz / Intro [Heroes and Villains Session: 3/1/67] - (take)
31 Heroes and Villains: Chorus Vocals [Heroes and Villains Session: 6/14/67] - (take)
32 Heroes and Villains: Barbershop [Heroes and Villains Session: 6/14/67] - (take)
33 Heroes and Villains: Children Were Raised [Remake] [Heroes and Villains Session: 6/14/67] - (take)
34 Heroes and Villains: Children Were Raised [Master Take Overdubs Mix 1] [Heroes and Villains Session:
35 Heroes and Villains: Children Were Raised [Master Take a Capella] [Heroes and Villains Session: 6/14
36 Heroes and Villains [Piano Demo Incorporating "I'm In Great Shape" and "Barnyard"] Brian With Van Dy
37 Psycodelic Sounds: Brian Falls Into a Microphone 11/4/66 [Bonus Track]
38 Psycodelic Sounds: Moaning Laughing 11/4/66 [Bonus Track]
1 Do You Like Worms: Part 1 [Do You Like Worms (Roll Plymouth Rock) Session: 10/18/66] - (take)
2 Do You Like Worms: Part 2 (Bicycle Rider) [Do You Like Worms (Roll Plymouth Rock) Session: 10/18/66]
3 Do You Like Worms: Part 3 [Do You Like Worms (Roll Plymouth Rock) Session: 10/18/66] - (take)
4 Do You Like Worms: Part 4 (Bicycle Rider) [Do You Like Worms (Roll Plymouth Rock) Session: 10/18/66]
5 Do You Like Worms: Bicycle Rider Overdubs (Heroes and Villains Part 2) 1/5/67 [Do You Like Worms (Ro
6 My Only Sunshine: Parts 1 & 2 11/14/66 (My Only Sunshine (the Old Master Painter / You Are My Sunshi
7 My Only Sunshine: Part 2 [Master Take With Vocal Overdubs] 2/10/67 (My Only Sunshine (the Old Master
8 Cabin Essence: Verse [Cabin Essence Session: 10/3/66] - (take)
9 Cabin Essence: Chorus [Cabin Essence Session: 10/3/66] - (take)
10 Cabin Essence: Tag [Cabin Essence Session: 10/3/66] - (take)
11 Wonderful [Version 1] 8/25/66
12 Wonderful [Version 2] [Wonderful [Version 2 "Rock With Me Henry"] Session: 1/9/67]
13 Wonderful [Version 2 Tag] [Wonderful [Version 2 "Rock With Me Henry"] Session: 1/9/67]
14 Wonderful [Version 3] 4/10/67 ? [Wonderful [Version 2 "Rock With Me Henry"] Session: 1/9/67]
15 Look 8/12/66 (Look (Song For Children))
16 Child is Father of the Man [Version 1] 10/7/66
17 Child is Father of the Man [Version 2] 10/11/66
18 Surf's Up: 1st Movement 11/4/66
19 Surf's Up: Talking Horns 11/7/66
20 Surf's Up: Piano Demo [Master Take] 12/15/66 - (take)
21 I Wanna Be Around 11/29/66 (I Wanna Be Around / Workshop (Friday Night)) - (take)
22 Vegetables: Verse [Master Take Track] [Vega-Tables (Vegetables) Sessions: 4/4-4/11/67] - (take)
23 Vegetables: Sleep a Lot (Chorus) [Vega-Tables (Vegetables) Sessions: 4/4-4/11/67] - (take)
24 Vegetables: Chorus 1 [Master Take] [Vega-Tables (Vegetables) Sessions: 4/4-4/11/67] - (take)
25 Vegetables: 2nd Chorus [Master Take Track and Backing Vocals] [Vega-Tables (Vegetables) Sessions: 4/
26 Vegetables: Insert (Part 4) [Master Take] [Vega-Tables (Vegetables) Sessions: 4/4-4/11/67] - (take)
27 Vega-Tables Chomping Sounds (Hidden Track)
28 Workshop Sounds (Hidden Track)
1 Vegetables: Fade 4/12/67 [Vega-Tables (Vegetables) [Continued]] - (take)
2 Vegetables: Ballad Insert 4/14/67 [Vega-Tables (Vegetables) [Continued]] - (take)
3 Holidays 9/8/66
4 Wind Chimes [Version 1] 8/3/66
5 Wind Chimes [Version 2] [Wind Chimes [Version 2] Session: 10/5/66]
6 Wind Chimes [Version 2 Tag] [Wind Chimes [Version 2] Session: 10/5/66]
7 Elements: Fire 11/28/66, The (the Elements: Fire (Mrs. O'Leary's Cow)) - (take)
8 Da Da [Taped Piano Strings] [Love To Say Dada / Cool, Cool Water; Da Da Session: 12/22/66] - (take)
9 Da Da [Fender Rhodes] [Love To Say Dada / Cool, Cool Water; Da Da Session: 12/22/66] - (take)
10 Love To Say Dada: Part 1 5/16/67 [Love To Say Dada Sessions: 5/16-5/18/67] - (take)
11 Love To Say Dada: Part 2 5/17/67 [Love To Say Dada Sessions: 5/16-5/18/67] - (take)
12 Love To Say Dada: Part 2 [Master Take] 5/17/67 [Love To Say Dada Sessions: 5/16-5/18/67] - (take)
13 Love To Say Dada: Part 2 [Second Day] 5/18/67 [Love To Say Dada Sessions: 5/16-5/18/67] - (take)
14 Cool, Cool Water [Version 1] 6/7/67
15 Cool, Cool Water [Version 2] 10/26/67 & 10/29/67
16 You're Welcome 12/15/66 [Smile Additional Sessions] - (take)
17 You're With Me Tonight 6/6-6/7/67 [Smile Additional Sessions] - (take)
18 Tune X (Carl Wilson) 3/3/67-3/31/67 [Smile Additional Sessions] - (take)
19 I Don't Know (Dennis Wilson) 1/12/67 [Smile Additional Sessions] - (take)
20 Three Blind Mice 10/15/65 [Smile Additional Sessions] - (take)
21 Teeter Totter Love (Jasper Dailey) 1/25/67 & 2/9/67 [Smile Additional Sessions] - (take)
22 Psycodelic Sounds - Underwater Chant 11/4/66 [Bonus Track]
23 Hal Blaine Vega-Tables Promo Session 11/11/66 [Bonus Track]
24 Heroes and Villains [Early Version Outtake Sections 1/67 - 2/67] [Bonus Track]
25 Fire Crackling Sounds (Hidden Track)
1 Good Vibrations: Gold Star 2/18/66 [the Pet Sounds Session] - (take)
2 Good Vibrations: Gold Star 4/9/66 - (take)
3 Good Vibrations: Western 5/4/66 [First Chorus] - (take)
4 Good Vibrations: Western 5/4/66 [Second Chorus & Fade] - (take)
5 Good Vibrations: Sunset Sound 5/24/66 [Part 1] - (take)
6 Good Vibrations: Sunset Sound 5/24/66 [Parts 2 & 3] - (take)
7 Good Vibrations: Sunset Sound 5/24/66 [Part 4] - (take)
8 Good Vibrations: Western 5/27/66 [Part C] - (take)
9 Good Vibrations: Western 5/27/66 [Chorus] - (take)
10 Good Vibrations: Western 5/27/66 [Fade Sequence] - (take)
11 Good Vibrations (Inspiration): Western 6/2/66 [Part 1] - (take)
12 Good Vibrations (Inspiration): Western 6/2/66 [Part 3] - (take)
13 Good Vibrations (Inspiration): Western 6/2/66 [Part 4] - (take)
14 Good Vibrations: Western 6/16/66 [Part 1] - (take)
15 Good Vibrations: Western 6/16/66 [Part 2 & Verse] - (take)
16 Good Vibrations: Western 6/16/66 [Part 2 Continued] - (take)
17 Good Vibrations: Western 6/18/66 [Part 1] - (take)
18 Good Vibrations: Western 6/18/66 [Part 2] - (take)
19 Good Vibrations (Persuasion): Western 9/1/66 - (take)
20 Good Vibrations: Western 9/1/66 [New Bridge] - (take)
21 Good Vibrations: Session Masters - (take)
22 Good Vibrations [Single Version Stereo Track]
23 Good Good Good Vibrations [First Version With Overdubs 3/66]
24 Good Vibrations [Alternate Edit 8/24/66]
25 Good Vibrations (tape rewind) (Hidden Track)
1 Our Prayer
2 Gee
3 Heroes and Villains
4 Do You Like Worms (Roll Plymouth Rock)
5 I'm In Great Shape
6 Barnyard
7 Old Master Painter / You Are My Sunshine, The
8 Cabin Essence
9 Wonderful
10 Look (Song for Children)
11 Child is Father of the Man
12 Surf's Up
1 I Wanna Be Around / Workshop
2 Vega-Tables
3 Holidays
4 Wind Chimes
5 Mrs. O'Leary's Cow (Fire)
6 Love To Say Dada
7 Good Vibrations
8 You're Welcome [Stereo Mix] - (remix)
9 Vega-Tables [Stereo Mix] - (remix)
10 Wind Chimes [Stereo Mix] - (remix)
11 Cabin Essence [Session Highlights and Stereo Backing Track] - (take)
12 Surf's Up [Session Excerpt and Stereo Mix] - (remix)
1 Heroes and Villains Part One
2 Heroes and Villains Part Two
1 Vega-Tables
2 Surf's Up
Box Set Content
- 5 CDs / 2LPs / 2 7" singles
- Three-dimensional shadow box lid featuring the original artwork of Frank Holmes.
- The Box Set measures 13" x 13" x 2.5"
- 60 page case bound book features liner notes by:
- Brian Wilson
- Mike Love
- Al Jardine
- Bruce Johnston
- Frank Holmes
- Peter Reum
- Tom Nolan
- Domenic Priore
- Anecdotes by:
- Marilyn Wilson-Rutherford
- Diane Rovell
- Dean Torrence
- Mark Volman
- Michael Vosse
- David Anderle
- Danny Hutton
- Timeline
- Sessionography
- Lyrics
- Frank Holmes drawings
- Producer's Notes
- More than 60 previously unreleased photos
- Box also contains:
- 6 panel folder holding 5 CDs and singles. Features photos of original session tape boxes.
- 7" vinyl singles
- "Heroes and Villains" in sleeve art
- "Vega-Tables" in sleeve art
- Gatefold 2 LPs
- Features full tracklisting of proposed unfinished album +
- Stereo mixes and session highlights (not available on CDs)
- 12" x 12" booklet created for original release features:
- Photos by Guy Webster
- Drawings by Frank Holmes
- 24" x 36" poster of Frank Holmes cover art
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