Morning Teleportation formed in 2005 when Bowling Green, KY natives and lifelong friends Travis Goodwin (keyboards), Tres Coker (drums), and Paul Wilkerson (bass) met up with Chicago transplant Tiger Merritt (vocals/guitar), who had just moved to their hometown for college. With the combined energy of a basement party, a back-room jam session, and a futuristic hootenanny, Morning Teleportation's raucous, off-kilter explosion of enthusiasm is guaranteed to raise a smile.
Condition: NEW.
1 Boom Puma
2 Eyes the Same
3 Snow Frog Vs.Motor Cobra
4 Expanding Anyway
5 Crystalline
6 Daydream Electric Storm
7 Wholehearted Drifting Sense of Inertia
8 Just a Figment
9 Foreign Planes
10 Cold Weather Sunshine
11 Banjo Disco
12 Treble Chair