Huapango arribeño is a distinctive regional tradition of Mexican music born of colonial roots, longstanding but secluded in its mountainous homeland in the central states of Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, and Querétaro. Extraordinary folk poet Guillermo Velásquez and his Leones de la Sierra de Xichú with their violins, guitarra quinta huapanguera, jarana, and percussive dancing carry the heartbeat of this ancient and enthralling vein of poetic and musical creation. Serrano de Corazón (highlander at heart) brings us the tradition at its finest, evoking the spirit of all-night topadas, competitive duels between poets and their musicians for the delight of all.
1 Serrano de Corazón
2 Saludo y Pinto Mi Raya
3 Brota Mi Canto y Se Ufana
4 La Topada de Poetas
5 Nací en El Puerto de Palmas
6 El Huapango Resplandece
7 Otro Que Mejor Se Queda
8 Si Todo Fuera Al Revés
9 Con Un Indignado Amor