Based on the children's book "The Story of Ferdinand," Blue Sky Studios' computer-animated adventure is set in Spain and follows the titular gentle, flower-loving bull (voiced by John Cena) as he's mistakenly believed to be a violent beast and sent to bullfight training farm. When he's selected as an opponent to a famed matador (Miguel Ángel Silvestre), Ferdinand and a group of his fellow animals must make a daring escape. Also features the voices of Kate McKinnon, Anthony Anderson, Bobby Cannavale.
Format: 4K, AC-3, Animated, Dolby, Dubbed, NTSC, Subtitled, Widescreen
Language: English (Dolby Surround)
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish
Dubbed: French, Spanish
Region: Region A/1
Number of discs: 2
Parental Guidance Suggested
Studio: 20th Century Fox
DVD Release Date: March 13, 2018
Run Time: 108 minutes