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Elvira's Movie Macabre - The Brain That Wouldn't Die / The Manster Starring Elvira (2011)

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List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $8.99
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Like a specter rising from the grave, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark is back - providing her signature, unflinching, tongue-in-cheek commentary of some of the "greatest" B-movies of all time! The Brain That Wouldn't Die Elvira gets the bright idea that going on a game show will make her some extra cash, so she recruits the help of the HEAD of the class to beat the clock!

The Manster
A mad scientist with a serum that causes second heads to sprout is bad, but Elvira discovering that her citizenship may be revoked is worse!

Bonus Features:
Movie Macabre Behind-the-Scenes, Photo Shoot with Christopher Ameruso, "Mistress of the Dark" Music Video by Ghoultown, Making the Ghoultown Video, Sneak Peek Previews
Condition:NEW. Brand New Factory Sealed

Scenes Index

Disc #1 -- Elvira's Movie Macabre: The Brain That Wouldn't Die/The Manster
1. Brainiac [14:33]
2. Devious at the Country House [14:46]
3. Sexy Scalp [10:19]
4. Squeal of No Squeal [13:54]
5. Brain Teasers [7:40]
6. Head of the Class [17:36]
7. The Movie That Wouldn't End [11:41]
8. Flash Cards [2:38]
1. Death Flix [13:53]
2. Same Satan Marriage [15:28]
3. Two Secret Weapons [15:52]
4. Larry the Manster [7:30]
5. Mildly Birarre to Really Freaky [18:04]
6. National Treasures [15:35]
7. Enough With the Rim Shots! [2:26]

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