Bushwick Bill, the infamous Little Big Man of the Geto Boys, was relatively quiet during the decade leading up to the release of Gutta Mix in 2005. Over the course of those ten years he released a pair of albums -- No Surrender...No Retreat (1998) and Universal Small Souljah (2001) -- both of which were released independently and neither of which was relatively successful. So the release of Gutta Mix came as a surprise, and for fans of the shock rapper, no doubt a pleasant one.
Condition:NEW.PUnched upc. TRACKS
1. Drwahbushwickhing [Explicit]
2. Keepemsingn [Explicit]
3. Vonwolfgangdonchucknice [Explicit]
4. 20Minutsormore [Explicit]
5. Farenheit90ne1 [Explicit]
6. Willbushwick [Explicit]
7. Milleniumpimpwick [Explicit]
8. Recklessendangerment [Explicit]
9. Damn If I Let it Be [Explicit]
10. Feelmyheart [Explicit]
11. Dowhatyoudo [Explicit]
12. Phantomchuckopera [Explicit]
13. Gorealaentertainment [Explicit]
14. Milleniumpimpnscrewed [Explicit]
15. 20Minutsormore [Explicit]