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Brendan Benson - Metarie [EP]

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Your Price: $6.99
On the five-song Metarie EP, Michigan-based pop maestro Brendan Benson tackles what is seemingly one of his favorite songs, "Metarie," twice. The first version of the song serves as an introduction to Benson's new band, the Wellfed Boys. On his last album (apart from some help from like-minded power popper Jason Falkner) Benson was for the most part a one-man band; now for whatever reason, he has decided to share the billing and give up some control of his well-scrubbed and ultra poppy sound. From the sound of it, he picked his crew very well, because the version of Metarie here sounds quite similar to the version found on his last album. Maybe a touch more rock-band sounding, but not to a fault. They also appear twice more on the disc, on an energy-packed version of "You're Quiet" and a ripping and faithful cover of Paul McCartney's "Let Me Roll." The other two tracks on the EP are an acoustic-based mellow and dreamy version of "Meterie" featuring female background vocals and a throwaway track by Benson himself, "Alternative to Love." The Metarie EP is a must for Benson fans, as the song "Meterie" does justify the attention Benson pays it, and it's a relief to hear that his new band hasn't ruined Benson or homogenized him. In fact, the Wellfed Boys sound perfectly suited to his sound.

1 Metarie Wellfed Version
2 Metarie UK Version
3 Alternative to Love
4 You're Quiet
5 Let Me Roll It

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